
How To Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste

Whether you are attempting to avoid industrial additives from commercial toothpaste or save your time from a trip to the grocery store, you will be pleased to know that there are many simple and safe alternatives to these products. With a few ingredients available in the kitchen, it is easy to make your own solution to keep your dental health. Additionally, you can try using other high-tech or natural products which eliminate the needs for toothpaste.

If you don’t know how to brush teeth without toothpaste, here are a few useful tips.

What includes in standard toothpaste products?

Before looking for alternatives, it is necessary to understand the essential components in commercial toothpaste. These include:

  • A cleaning substance
  • An emulsifier to aid in mixing different ingredients
  • A sweetening component to make the solution palatable
  • An abrasive to make plaque get loose
  • A flavouring agent to freshen your breath and add tastes

How to create your homemade toothpaste

For a basic toothpaste recipe, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 1/4 teaspoon of mild soap powder
  • 1 teaspoon of gum Arabic as an emulsifier
  • 1 teaspoon of glycerin as a sweetener
  • 2 tablespoon of calcium carbonate as an abrasive
  • A few drops of your flavouring agent like peppermint oil

All you need to do is mixing all ingredients in a small bowl, then stirring and heating for with medium heat until it turns to a paste-like solution. Since this recipe doesn’t contain some worse and better ingredients in commercial products, it is advisable to alternate between both options every 2 weeks. Also, keep in mind to follow with mouthwash after brushing your teeth.

Here’s another effective recipe that’s worth considering for your dental care routine:

Single-ingredient alternatives

If you can’t find all of the necessary ingredients for your homemade toothpaste, here are a few single-ingredient solutions to consider:

a. Sea salt

There are many trace minerals in sea salt, such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, silicon, iron, nickel, and sodium. These substances can fight tartar accumulation, strengthen the gums, and whiten your teeth. Also, sea salt also contains iodine with antibacterial properties to help neutralise acids causing tooth decay. However, keep in mind that it is abrasive and can wear down your enamel if used frequently.

You can clean your teeth by rinsing with a saltwater solution or brushing with a small amount of wet sea salt. Keep in mind to brush gently and avoid the gums because it can cause painful and inflamed feel.

b. Baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda has long been used as a natural substance to whiten and clean the teeth. As it is highly alkaline, this ingredient can neutralise acids causing tooth decay, kill bacteria, as well as freshen your breath.

You just need to mix water with baking soda until it becomes a paste-like solution. Use it to brush your teeth as usual. Consider combining with sea salt for a variation.

c. Coconut oil

Coconut oil contains antifungal and antibacterial properties. More importantly, it has a pleasant taste of coconut. Ideally, you should combine it with baking soda for better results.

d. Natural soap

While most of us are not often used to the taste of commercial soaps in the mouth, natural soaps can be an effective option for cleansing tooth. Keep in mind to use a mild product like unscented oil soap.

Alternatives to traditional tooth brushing

a. Miswak stick

Miswak sticks have been used from more than 4000 years to remove stains thanks to abrasive silica and sodium bicarbonate in the ingredients. Also, they contain essential oils for freshening the breath and natural antiseptics which can create a protective layer over your teeth.

b. Water pick

A water pick is similar to a pressure washer for your mouth. It is commonly recommended by many orthodontists and dentists to supplement brushing for those with braces. However, everyone can benefit from this method. Simply, it can eliminate harmful bacteria and reduce loose plaque. Also, a water pick can massage your gums, thus increasing blood flow.

c. Oil pulling

This is an old technique for cleaning and detoxifying your gums and teeth. Vegetable oils like coconut and olive oil would whiten the teeth, alleviate smells, and reduce sensitivity. Also, they contain many antibacterial properties to improve your dental health.
