
Why Do Teeth Turn Yellow?

A mouthful of pearly whites is the absolute ideal, right? Sadly, reality isn’t always this way – teeth have other, less attractive shades too.

So, why do teeth turn yellow? And is there anything you can do to change this? Let’s have a look into the reasons why your pearly whites may be a little less white than you would like.

Why Do Teeth Turn Yellow?

Teeth turning yellow, especially if you have a good oral hygiene regime, can be quite

distressing. However, there are a lot of reasons which may be out of your control.

  • Firstly, it can simply be one of those fun things that come as we get older. The enamel wears off over the years, exposing the yellow dentin.
  • Fizzy drinks can cause yellowing teeth, as the sugary acids can damage the teeth. You can try drinking through a straw if you can’t give them up!
  • Tobacco products can not only cause health problems, but they can stain your teeth as well.
  • Trauma to the mouth and the teeth can change their colour over time – obviously this is sometime unavoidable, but it can be a factor.
  • Poor oral hygiene is another strong contender for yellowing teeth. Keeping your mouth clean and following a good brushing regime is key to good oral health – and those pearly whites.
  • Sadly, some medications can cause tooth yellowing. If you are concerned about this in your case, have a chat with your doctor.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about what causes teeth to turn yellow.

Can Yellow Teeth Turn White Again?

The good news is that you can, in some cases, reverse the yellowing of your teeth, and whiten them several shades.

Before you try any at-home methods, you should talk to your dentist to see what they advise – after all, they are the ones qualified to tell you!

There are a good few things you can do to help your yellow teeth turn whiter again, and this does not have to break the bank or take a lot of effort.

Talk to your dentist in the first instance, as they can help with the best solutions for your situation. Professional whitening has become very popular, and it may be something your dentist offers.

A good balanced diet is always the key to most health issues, and in the case of your teeth, consider adding pineapple into your diet.

Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain, which has been found to be effective in tooth whitening (plus it’s delicious!)

Eating strawberries has been shown to help with tooth whitening, for different reasons – strawberries contain malic acid, which helps remove discolouration on the surface of the tooth.

Are Yellow Teeth Healthy?

Despite the fact that you may not like the look of them, or they affect your self confidence, yellow teeth are not necessarily unhealthy teeth.

The natural aging process takes its toll on all parts of our bodies, and teeth are no exception – they can be as well looked after as possible, and still show signs of the passing years.

Yellowing teeth are a sign that the dentin beneath the enamel is starting to show through; it is not a sign that the teeth have a problem.

That being said, yellowing teeth can also be caused by poor oral hygiene or a poor diet, so it is definitely something to keep an eye on.

How To Whiten Teeth In 2 Minutes

If you want to whiten your teeth naturally, without chemicals or expensive procedures, there are a couple of home remedies you can try:

Baking soda

This highly effective cleaner will help your teeth to shine – simply make a paste with baking soda and water, brush well, then rinse.

Take care with doing this too regularly – baking soda is an astringent and can damage your teeth if you do it too often. Once a week is plenty.

Activated charcoal

Another very useful cleaning agent, charcoal can help your teeth to become whiter. Make a thick paste of charcoal and water, brush your teeth well then rinse.

This can be startling when you first use it, as the mixture is very, very black! But don’t worry, it will easily rinse off, revealing shinier teeth.

Banana, lemon or orange peels

Although it sounds odd, rubbing the skin of one of these fruits onto your teeth can help to whiten them.

If you find that your teeth are sensitive to this method, it could be that the enamel is already weakened or worn away, and you should avoid this one.

Oil pulling

This ancient method involves swishing a small amount of oil around your mouth for a few minutes, then spitting it out.

Coconut oil is the most recommended oil for this, but you can use any oil. Build up the time you spend oil pulling, as it can be a strange sensation to get used to!

Here’s a handy video that shows you a few easy ways to lighten your teeth:

How Do I Stop My Teeth From Turning Yellow?

Although some of the causes of teeth yellowing are unavoidable, such as aging, there are some things that you can do to slow down or stop the process.

  • Maintain a good oral hygiene routine. Keeping your teeth brushed, flossed and clean is the best way to keep teeth looking their brightest and best.
  • Avoid foods that cause stains. Red wine, tea and coffee, fizzy drinks and fruit juice – these can all cause teeth to look less than pearly white.
  • Eat a balanced diet high in calcium. Calcium is very good for teeth, so ensuring that you take enough in in your diet is key to healthy looking teeth.
  • Use whitening treatments. You can go for over the counter products or make your own natural versions to help restore your teeth’s natural whiteness.

Final Words

As you can see, the causes of teeth turning yellow can be inevitable – but you can also try to reduce the amount of staining.

Getting your teeth to turn white again naturally, without expensive dental treatment, is the ultimate goal. Let us know how you get on!
